Buckwheat is familiar to all of us since childhood. This is a porridge containing a huge amount of useful trace elements, vitamins and proteins. Once buckwheat was cultivated by Greek monks, for which it got its name. These, very ascetic in food, people used buckwheat every day. She gave them strength, health and cleansed the spirit. It was recommended to the sick and weak. Today it is grown everywhere. It is one of the few cereals that has never been genetically modified and is not treated with pesticides.
If the mirror hints to you that it's time to lose weight and go on a diet, think about the buckwheat diet. Buckwheat not only helps to get rid of extra pounds, but also cleanses the body, improves digestion, improves the condition of nails and hair. Harsh on the taste buds, this diet is healthy.
The essence of the buckwheat diet
It's simple: take a glass of buckwheat and pour two glasses of boiling water overnight. Cover the bowl with buckwheat with a lid and wrap it with a towel so that the heat leaves as slowly as possible. The lighter the buckwheat is, the more useful the diet. The most daring can buy, instead of fried buckwheat porridge, not fried grains, a slightly greenish tint. It is important to steam rather than boil buckwheat, because when cooked, starch, which is digested for a long time, turns into quickly digestible glucose.
In the morning, you can eat steamed porridge as much as you want, or rather, as much as you can. It is impossible to add salt and add any other spices, as well as put butter in porridge. The only thing that is allowed is a liter of low-fat kefir per day. The condition for adding kefir to the diet is as follows: buckwheat and kefir must be separated from each other by a time interval of an hour. If it is completely unbearable, you can eat one low-calorie fruit per day, it can be an apple or an orange. During the day, you can eat buckwheat whenever you want. But only until six in the evening, then you should switch to the water.
It is best to drink green tea without sugar - 2-3 cups a day, green tea in excessive quantities ceases to be useful. You can drink a cup of weak natural coffee in the morning. And, of course, you should drink water, at least two liters a day. Water will help the body to quickly remove toxins from the body, which are formed as a result of cleansing. Lack of water can provoke intoxication, so it is especially important to drink at the beginning. For optimal bowel function, drink a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach, you can eat after 40-50 minutes.
The maximum diet time is 7-10 days, you can repeat it in a month.
Diet compatibility with other foods
The main problem of this diet is the lack of salt and the smallest amount of sugars, only those that buckwheat itself contains. When salt and sugar do not enter the body for a long time, you may feel weakness, nausea, dizziness. If it is psychologically and physically difficult for you to endure this, then you can add additional ingredients to the buckwheat diet.
Dried fruits. Dried fruits complement buckwheat well, helping to lose weight. These include raisins, dried apricots, dried apples and pears, dates and prunes. Eat several berries a day (a handful of raisins, 4-5 dates or prunes, 7-8 pieces of dried apricots). Try to keep at least half an hour between taking porridge and dried fruits. Chew berries for a long time and carefully, this will reduce the feeling of hunger.
Juices. The idea is to drink fruit and vegetable juices between meals. Drink the first glass half an hour after breakfast, the second after 2 hours, then half an hour after lunch and half an hour before dinner, the last glass can be drunk an hour before bedtime. Juices should be freshly squeezed, each time a different juice or mixture thereof. Useful orange and, especially, grapefruit juice. Cabbage, beet and celery juices can be mixed with apple, pear or carrot juices. Juices will provide your body with the missing vitamins, and your brain with glucose and fructose, they will give you energy and help reduce the body's stress from the diet.
Honey. The buckwheat diet assumes the absence of sugar. An unpleasant consequence of this fact may be a decrease in mental activity, since glucose is food for the brain. In addition, you may experience weakness, nausea, dizziness. If it is unbearable without sweets, you can add a honey drink to buckwheat. To do this, add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water. You can drink no more than two glasses a day. If you decide to start the morning with a drink, drinking it on an empty stomach, then you can start eating only after 3-4 hours. It is not recommended to drink a honey drink later than 4 hours before bedtime.
The effect of buckwheat diet on the body
Buckwheat is considered one of the healthiest grains. It is rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamins PP and P. It contains a high percentage of iron, phosphorus, iodine, and calcium. The protein contained in buckwheat is similar in properties to the protein contained in meat and contains a large amount of amino acids. Buckwheat regulates the functioning of the intestines and liver, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, strengthens hair and nails, and improves skin condition. Thus, the buckwheat diet not only relieves you of extra pounds, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Doctors recommend it to people prone to allergies.
But, like any mono-diet, buckwheat also has its minus - the absence of salt and sugar in the diet. The lack of salt can lead to headaches, a drop in blood pressure, and weakness. A lack of sugar is a lack of glucose. Whereas glucose is food for the brain, and its deficiency will manifest itself in absent-mindedness, decreased mental activity, a drop in concentration and memory impairment. You may be visited by a very strong desire to eat a piece of sweet. In such a situation, you can try to introduce honey into the diet, as described above.
Getting out of the diet
Diet is not a short-term phenomenon, it is a way of life. In order not to gain the lost kilograms back, you should continue to follow a healthy diet in the future. Immediately after the buckwheat diet, introduce other foods into the diet gradually. Surely, having weaned from salt, you will become much less salty food. The total amount of food you can eat at a time will decrease as the stomach shrinks slightly. The next morning after the diet, eat an egg or some cottage cheese with tea. A few weeks after the diet, do not exceed the norm of 1500 kcal per day. Eat more vegetables and fruits, avoid starchy, fatty and sweet. Eat small meals.
Diet Results
Due to the lack of salt in the diet, in the first two days you will lose one to two kilograms. The remaining kilograms will go away due to cleansing the body of toxins and the breakdown of body fat. On average, it will take from five to seven kilograms. But since part of the kilogram will go away due to water and toxins, try not to eat a lot of salt, which retains water in the body, after leaving the diet, in addition, eat more foods rich in fiber, they will not allow the body to slagging.
- The diet is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus
- It is not recommended to follow it for people with various inflammatory processes in the body, especially in the gastrointestinal tract.
- It can provoke gastritis, due to the acidic environment of kefir.
- The diet is contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension.
- Prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
Buckwheat Diet Reviews
In general, positive reviews about the buckwheat diet are much more negative. In most cases, losing weight people manage to lose 5-7 kilograms per week. For those who go in for sports at the same time, weight loss in some cases reaches 10 kg. But there are also quite a few who have lost only 2-3 kg, these kilograms are likely to return due to water. Most of those who lose weight indicate an improvement in the condition of the skin, acne disappears, nails and hair become stronger.
Remember that any diet is stressful for the body. It is much more useful to initially develop a healthy eating habit. Before you start a diet, make sure you are healthy, consult your doctor. Morally prepare. And start dieting and updating your wardrobe.